Monday, December 19, 2011

How To: Find a "Piso" (Huelva Edition)

CIEE graciously put us up in a 4-Star hotel (Tartessos) in the center of Huelva for our first five nights in the city so that we could have the time to comfortably find an apartment. How exactly does one do that in a foreign country?

Step 1: DECIDE: A. Do I want to live with Spanish/foreign people OR B. Do I have people I might want to live with?
Final Answer: B. Ale, Rachel & Alisha

Step 2: Wander around the barrio you want to live in (el Centro) to find pisos with "SE ALQUILA" signs AND look at flyers posted by the university

Step 3: Collect numbers and write down any memorable/defining characteristics

Step 4: Enter everything into a shared GoogleDoc

Step 5: Think of the essential things you need to find out from the propietarios (# de habitaciones/baƱos; amueblado?, equipado?, precio!, si el precio incluye la comunidad; si no: cuanto vale la comunidad?; cuando es la cita)

Step 6: Split the list, CALL EVERYONE!!!! and log the answers to those aforementioned questions!

Step 7: What already OCD GoogleDoc wouldn't be complete without COLOR-CODING your findings?!
Green: Saw the apartment and liked it/Made an appointment to see the apartment/would like to make an appointment
Yellow: Second-string apartments--we'll look here if we have to
Red: Not available/No interest/not worth it/NEVERGOINGTOHAPPEN, ETC
White: No answer

Step 8: DECIDE--Clearly, we chose the one we nicknamed "SUPERPISO"

Step 9: Share the list with your friends who are still scrambling to find a place