I'm two weeks late with this but, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I figure by starting late, I've "missed the boat" on the first wave of bailing on New Year's Resolutions.
This whole "blog" experiment was supposed to be a great way of keeping friends and family informed on what I was doing over here in Spain in case I couldn't Skype or what have you. As anyone who knows me knows, it was doomed to fail --I can barely answer/return a phone call once I get busy doing other things. BUT, I promise to get better!
THAT BEING SAID, 2012 will be all about "out with the old, in with the new." What's that thing I always see headlining beauty magazines? Oh, right: New Year, New YOU. Well, 2012: Here I am, and here's how I plan to improve!
New Year's Resolution (NYR) #1: Be a better communicator (Don't worry, I know it has to be realistic and measurable so I feel some sense of achievement/don't give up after two weeks):
- Skype family/friends more often
- Upload previously written, but never shared, blog posts about the past semester
- Enter a new blog post at least once every two weeks
- E-mail/post to Facebook when I add something new
NYR #2: Eat healthier:
- Add more fruits and vegetables to my diet (not difficult--Mercado del Carmen is AMAZING and the produce is FRESH AND CHEAP)
- Eat less bread and cheese (EXTREMELY difficult--do you know how good that stuff is in Europe?!/that those are the biggest staples of my diet?)
- Use less salt (in cooking) and sugar (in drinking...tea)
- Drink more water (Goal: one Brita pitcher's worth of water a day for a start?)
NYR #3: Stay active:
- Use my gym membership more often
- Work on that half-marathon training thing Megan and I talked about
NYR #4: Use my time in Spain more wisely:
- Speak more Spanish
- Get to know Huelva a little better
- "Make new friends, but keep the old"
○ Visit my friends/(host) family in Seville
○ Spend more time with my friends in Huelva
- Go on more trips around Spain/a couple around Europe (I only make so much money, people)
To prove I mean what I say in NYR #1, I am posting this AND an older entry that never hit the blogosphere. NYR #2 comes with a picture to prove my commitment thus far!
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